February is only a few days old and we’ve already had a very busy month spreading kindness with The Pursuit of Restoring Faith in Humanity!  We went around giving out cookies, flowers, yoga passes, pastries, and we even bought people’s dinners and morning coffees as a surprise.  We also surprised the 7 -11 workers with a pie from Glaser’s Bakery!  The Kindness Weekend was really fun – we didn’t just give away stuff, we also went to a place called Hour Children and we made valentines and did crafts with them.  Since February is the month of love, we thought it would be nice to spread some happiness and kindness around the city, and my mom brought Matthew and Colton from The Pursuit of Restoring Faith in Humanity to come all the way to NYC to work with us!  foto_no_exif-113

Our main focus this month is kindness and love and we will keep trying to spread it around and hope you will do that, too!

One really fun thing we’re doing in February is a School of Rock on Broadway review with Kid Reporter Gavin.  I hope there aren’t too many rocks at that school! (LOL or else I wouldn’t register there!)

I hope you have an AMAZING Valentine’s Day and a great month.
