My Interview With Santa
by Waverly W., 8 years old, Manhattan
*and Santa Claus, (hmmm we’re not sure, maybe a million?) at Macy’s Santaland, Manhattan
The Mom here! A few weeks ago, while I was planning out future stories and figuring out what to do for December, an idea popped into my head. “Interview Santa!” It was so crazy and impossible to hope for, such a big dream for this little site though, so immediately, another thought followed: “No way, Santa is far too busy and important. He’ll never do it. Besides, how do I contact the North Pole?” Then I remembered….Macy’s Santaland!! So I sent an email to Macy’s, closed my eyes, made a wish….and believed. Yes, moms, there IS a Santa Claus, and sometimes dreams do come true. Here is our little interview with a very big-hearted Santa, at the magical Macy’s Santaland on 34th Street.
How old are you?
“As old as my tongue, and slightly older than my teeth.”
Where is Mrs. Claus?
Sometimes she’s at Macy’s, sometimes the North Pole.
Does she help you with anything around Christmas?
Yes, she is very helpful.
Do you really say Ho Ho Ho all the time?
I do say it a lot!
Who decides what the kids actually get as Christmas presents– you, Mrs. Claus, the elves….?
Thanks to the Elves and children’s lists, Santa knows what presents every child wants to receive. However, sometimes Santa also knows that the child’s family or guardians have other special things in mind. Also, Santa does not like to bring gifts that he knows parents, etc. would prefer the child not to have – such as a horse, or toys that they think the child should wait a year or so to get, or that might be inappropriate.
Do you get Christmas presents?
Every Christmas I hope for Peace on Earth and goodwill towards all people.
Do you have any pets, besides the reindeer?
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner (Donder), Blitzen & Rudolph take up a lot of my time.
What is your favorite part about Christmas?
Traveling around the world and seeing the happy faces of all the little boys and girls.
What do you do on the day after Christmas?
I take a short rest and spend time with Mrs. Claus.
What do you do the rest of the year?
Make toys & keep naughty and nice lists.
If you could say one thing to all the children in the world who believe in you, what would it be?
Santa loves you!
The Mom here again! So there you have it, straight from Santa himself. There’s still time to go see him yourself at Santaland! Get to Macy’s Herald Square and go straight to the 8th floor to see all the fun live elves and amazing North Pole village…and, of course, our buddy, Santa! Make sure you check out their holiday windows, too, and of course go shopping like we did! Nothing like a Macy’s sale, and I am now done with all my Christmas shopping! Another reason to say THANK YOU, MACY’S!
As far as Santa Claus goes, I can’t tell you or your kids what or who to believe in, but I can tell you this: If you make a wish, it might just come true.
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