Review of The Gazillion Bubble Show
by Waverly W., Kiditor in Chief, 9 years old
With special guest reporters The Stepmom and  The Little Brother, Logan!
The Mom here! One of my favorite memories of Waverly’s childhood was just sitting outside on our stoop with a bottle of bubbles with Waverly running around screeching with delight, trying to pop them.  Soon enough there would be a little crowd of kids all gathered around in sheer delight.  No electronics, no tv, just bubbles.  And happiness. Now, times that by a gazillion and you have The Gazillion Bubble Show.

Waverly here!  This show was not only fun, but amazing!  It felt like a magic show.   Even before the show, everyone in the audience was so excited when “Cotton Eye Joe” started playing – I looked over and saw my little brother Logan dancing and clapping and I knew this was going to be a really fun time for both of us!  Then came the bubbles.  Millions – no, GAZILLIONS, of bubbles….There was not one single second where I wasn’t totally amazed at what Deni Yang was doing up on that stage.  He was like a magician with bubbles!

The amazing Deni Yang!

There were big bubbles, little bubbles, bubbles inside of bubbles, smoke-filled bubbles that were really cool – he would shoot those out into the audience and we would all try to pop them.  Everyone kept saying, “WOW!”  He chose a lot of kids to come up and work his bubble magic on, and I was crossing my fingers he would pick me!!  It was really fun just to watch, though. And I also loved watching Little Logi watching the show. We both had so much fun!He wasn’t the only one enjoying himself! My favorite part of the show was when all those gazillion bubbles came right for us (we had really great seats, in the “Bubble Zone!”  I honestly think there were TEN GAZILLION bubbles – you have to experience it to know what I’m talking about!The bubbles, the music and the lights all combined to give everyone in the audience an unBUBBLEievable time. Deni was really funny, too, and made us laugh a lot.  Just wait until you hear what his “special bubble vitamins” are! We got to meet him after the show and he is not only very talented, but very nice also! (Hi, Deni!)

Deni’s whole family works together to spread bubble magic all across the world – they hold two World’s Records!  They blew the world’s largest bubble (170′ long!) and also put the most people inside a bubble, ever.  Guess how many people there were in it? Give up? You’ll have to see the show to find out the answer!

Yes, there were at least a gazillion bubbles in the show, but there were also cool lasers!  We were mesmerized while we watched what Deni could do with those lights.

Hi, everyone! Stepmom here. When the Kiditor and her mom invited Logan and me to help them report on the Gazillion Bubble Show, I was so so excited!

Logan LOVES him a good performance, and he is thrilled to be kidsnewsnyc’s youngest-ever reporter.

Full disclaimer: at 15 months old, Logan might have been the youngest kid in the theater. But for a toddler, he’s got an impressive attention span. So if your tiny tot is super high-energy and needs to be on his feet running around all the time, this might not be the show for you just yet.  But soon enough it will be!

Logan however, was rapt for the entire hour. He was bouncing in my lap to the awesome dance beats, and he loved the lasers, the smoke machine, and of course, THE BUBBLES. This is the best kind of eye candy for babies like mine, who love music, lights and slightly structured entertainment.

And as a mom, I’m not sure what I loved the most–the completely unique bubble show (truly fun for ALL ages), the awestruck look on my kid’s face for the entire hour, or finally getting to see him enjoy a kidsnewsnyc activity with his cool big sister–thanks again for having us out, Kiditor! Little brother’s rating: A+, Stepmom’s rating: A+

Back to Wave! My rating? A GAZILLION THUMBS UP!
Pop on over to see The Gazillion Bubble Show for yourself and you’ll see what I mean!
Facebook: gznbubbleshow
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Twitter:  GZNbubbleshow