by Waverly Winchester

The Mom here! I always say it….we see tons of Broadway and Off-Broadway shows, but seeing a show at New Victory Theater is definitely one of our favorite things to do! When I heard that MUMMENSCHANZ
was coming all the way from Switzerland to make their New Victory Debut, I immediately went back to the past and replayed all those old commercials in my head – anyone remember them? Well, they’re back with their own replay, with RE:PLAY, and, as expected…it’s RE:ALLY good!

Photo Credit: MUMMENSCHANZ Foundation

Waverly here! When my mom told me we were going to see MUMMENSCHANZ, I was like, “MUMMENWHAT??” She said I needed to just wait and see…and that I would have to see it to understand.  She was right! Right from the beginning, it was really funny and everyone in the audience wanted to give them a big hand! **That’s a hint***
It’s hard to describe MUMMENSCHANZ…there are no words but we understood everything, and everyone in the audience did also – there were young kids and older people there and everyone was having a great time at the show!  There was even a part that reminded my mom and me of ourselves. I think everyone will see the same thing and also see different things, and that is so cool!

Photo Credit: MUMMENSCHANZ Foundation

There were funny parts with the audience, and lots of nice peaceful, colorful parts.  Shapes transformed into other shapes, and all of this was done so expertly that you would not really know it was actual people doing it!  I loved all the parts and we left the theater with big smiles on our faces!

Photo by Marco Hartmann

I have so many questions, but my main question is how?! How do they make such a brilliant, side-splitting show – without any words and with minimal sound? Just movements and costumes, without even a set? It just blows my mind.My favorite thing about it was that it said so much- without saying a single word. Kids should see this show with their parents because since it doesn’t say anything, both little kids and older kids will get it. There are not many shows out there like it so you should definitely get your tickets and check it out! Make sure to go early to do the fun stuff they always have before a show.  We think you will RE:ALLY love MUMMENSCHANZ RE:PLAY!

Get your tickets here: New Victory Theater 

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